Live United means being part of the change and to think farther than our individual interests. It also means to recognize that our lives are connected and to understand that when we extend a hand to help who needs it, we are influencing the wellbeing of the whole community.
For more information about volunteer opportunities call to 2-1-1 of Puerto Rico from any phone without the 787 or direct to 787-268-5353 in the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

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How can I contribute?
Contributing with our organization is very easy. If you work in a company that participates in our workplace campaign, you can make your contribution through the voluntary payroll discount. You only have to request the contribution card in the Department of Human Recourses of your company or your coordinator in charge of the campaign. The donation will deduct automatically of your check and will directly send it to United Way Puerto Rico to be distributed between organizations that offer services to kids, adults and elderly needs.
If you work on your own or your company does not participate in our campaign, there are other alternatives to cooperate:
You can transfer negotiable securities to United Way Puerto Rico. You just have to tell your Securities Agent that you want to transfer a certain value to Account # 78038195 to United Way of Puerto Rico in Popular Securities. For more details about this option you can call to Vanessa Perez, account representative of Popular Securities, to 787-281-5162 or Heidi E. Cortes, vice-president of Finances of United Way Puerto Rico to 787-728-8500 ext. 231.
If you own a company or are in a position to make corporate decisions, you can also send a corporate donation to United Way Puerto Rico. In addition, if you contact our Campaign Department, we can meet to explain how your company can participate in our annual fundraising campaign.
With your contribution you help us to continue with our mission of combining and maximizing resources to transform the lives of our people.
If you need more details on how to contribute to United Funds of Puerto Rico, you can call our Campaign Department at (787) 728-8500.
We are always in need of additional help. Contact us and discover the ways you can contribute in our causes and be part of our commitment with the citizenship.
I Want to Volunteer
For information about the opportunities of volunteer work call to 2-1-1 of Puerto Rico. Access our information and referral center by dialing 2-1-1 from any telephone (without 787) or 787-268-5353 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
2-1-1 counts with database of public and private agencies or nonprofit offers educative services social and health in Puerto Rico and is our source of information to know where the help of volunteers is needed.
We wait for your call to 2-1-1 to guide you!